Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Drag Race

Wy aren't more people blogging about Drag Race??? It's so much fun! Here are thoughts on Episode 4:

First: the M.A.C. Viva Glam commercials – I actually thought Rebecca’s was the best one. It was very honest and appealing. I understand that they don’t want to reward her behavior (I can’t believe she ignored Ru-Ru and stormed off!), but I did think that her finished product was the best. Granted, that was probably more due to the expert editing work of the commercial’s producer, but still – I thought they should’ve acknowledged that her commercial was emotionally powerful. I’m getting a little tired of Ongina playing up his “I’m tiny look at me bounce around” floppiness, so I didn’t love his commercial (balloons and all), but the revelation that he has AIDS does give credibility to his assertion that we all need to celebrate while we do the other things that he said we should do that I can’t remember right now. I love that Shannel got it all wrong – immediately after being told by Ongina that she needs to listen more closely and stop focusing on her own response rather than the feedback (or instruction) she’s getting. I also love that she admitted that she felt “stupid.” I also liked Jade’s commercial better than the judges did. I didn’t love Jade’s look this week, but I felt like she walked onto that commercial set with energy and with an idea that she did execute, and that’s something. I didn’t really feel like Nina or Bebe had much of an idea except “drape myself this way and chatter about product.”

Ever since I heard Nina say, “I think in Spanish,” I’ve been trying to figure out if I think in a language-based way. Of course, then when I think about it, all of a sudden my thoughts become words. But, in general, are they? Or are they concepts? I don’t know, because I can’t “sneak up” on them now that I’m trying to figure it out. –sigh-

Oh, the runway show. It was just wonderful. Man, Shannel really pulled out (tucked in??) all the stops! I think Santino’s being suspiciously critical of her. Like, so suspiciously critical that I suspect they dated and he’s overcompensating. And maybe while they dated Brian always juggled and Santino could never learn how and he’s always been jealous. Anyway, I reject the “is this drag or is it a circus?” criticism, because drag is circusy and that’s fabulous. And, I’m sorry, but if the juggling is the only thing you comment on during that particular runway presentation, then you’re being deliberately obtuse. That costume was amazing, her make-up was amazing, being able to walk in that costume while juggling was amazing. It was all glorious.

I was confused by Nina. I did like the feathery cuffs, and her head looked marvelous as always, but she didn’t seem to be trying to look female. Are they required to try to be realistically female? I remember Nina saying early on that she was not a feminine drag queen, that she was very much androgynous. If that’s ok, then her costume was ok. But if they’re supposed to be feminine, then I think she really dropped the ball (heh heh) on this one.

I’m beginning to find Ongina a little boring. I get it – she’s cute and tiny and bald and she likes to wear lots of tiers of taffeta and little hats on a strap around her head and she bounces and shakes her sternum at us. I was about to type “where’s the depth?” but maybe she’s deliberately trying to be a shallow character to offset the whole ‘deadly disease’ bummer going on in her real life. But, see, I don’t want to now second-guess my impressions of her just because we now know this about her. I want to see her evolve and portray different facets of this character.

I still am having trouble connecting with Bebe. I’ve always thought Jade was really nice, but she seemed a little judgmental and catty in this episode. I was glad Rebecca got to stay, and even HAPPIER to hear how it made Jade crazy to have lost to her. Loved it. Also glad now that there’s only Rebecca so I don’t have to constantly add “Or Jade?” after her name, because they have been interchangeable to me. Like, even now, I can picture the person who is Jade talking about how she would be happy to lose to any of these girls besides Rebecca, and I can picture the person who is Rebecca talking about how she bleeped it up, but they’re still the exact same person. I can see their differences when they’re dressed in character, but the fact that I can’t tell them apart outside of character renders me completely incapable of knowing which did what.

Another great episode. Not as great as last week's fabulous Oprah episode, with the spectacular wig/hat/cleavage mishap, but still great. Comments? Who's your fave? Pick to win (if different)?

My fave is Nina Flowers, but the judges seem poised to put Ongina through as the winner.

Suleman - Somebody's Hero

Nadia Suleman has been villified in the past few weeks for her choice to have fourteen children through in-vitro fertilization while unemployed, single, on food stamps, and living in her mother's soon-to-be-foreclosed home. I question whether or not she is a fair target; she seems to have some psychiatric issues that go well beyond a normal desire to have a family. What interests me more is the fact that she has not secured a large following of right-to-life advocates. This is a woman being attacked for her decision not to destroy fertilized embryos. Shouldn't she be received like a champion by politicians, by pastors, by right-wing fringe groups? Why is no one lining up to defend her? She is your queen, people! Stand up and defend your own dogma. Nadia Suleman is your poster child.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank you, Christian Bale. Your indefensible petulant rant at Director of Photography Shane Hurlbut is exactly the type of entertainment story that I needed yesterday. -bliss-